In addition to your photo, your headline is typically the first thing a potential connection will see when they view your LinkedIn profile. You want to stand out in your industry and a well-written headline can give you the attention you deserve.

Today, you’ll learn 5 tips to write a headline that grabs the attention of a new connections and helps you land your dream job.

10-Point LinkedIn Optimizer Cheat Sheet

LinkedIn is the place to be for professionals and job seekers. Let your LinkedIn profile help you find and land your dream job. Access your FREE LinkedIn cheat sheet today!

Tip #1 – Customize Your Headline

First of all, you need to customize your default headline. LinkedIn automatically places your current job title as your headline.

To make a lasting first impression, tailor those 120 characters to your advantage. This allows you to better sell yourself and your services.

Tip #2 – Use Keywords

Use keywords throughout your headline. This is how your potential connections will find you in search. This is especially important if there is a desired position or a preferred client you want to reach. Look at what other leaders in your industry are using in their headline and follow their lead.

Here’s an example; I could have a headline like:

“Community member who assists people.”

Or I could pack it full of keywords and have something more like this:

“Community member who assists people with disabilities in their continued path to lifelong happiness.”

Here’s another example:

“Digital marketing professional.” 

To improve this, I would change it to:

“Digital marketing professional focused on leadership, team building, and client success.”

Tip #3 – Show Off Your Specialty

Incorporate your specialty and avoid generic headlines such as “graphic designer” or “dental office manager.” Rather, use something like “graphic designer specializing in logo design” or “dental office manager creating high-performance office environments.”

Tip #4 – Show Off Who You Are

Don’t be afraid to show personality and character. Here’s an example of a headline I read recently that was very clever. 

“Copywriter who knows how to craft content that goes viral; oh, and you’ll never beat me at Scrabble.”

Here’s another example:

“College athletics marketer providing lasting memories for fans of all ages.” 

Both of these examples demonstrate the individual’s disposition and make them seem more approachable.

Tip #5 – Know What to Avoid

Avoid sounding desperate, cheesy, or boring. This applies especially to students, recent grads, unemployed job seekers, or those transitioning careers.

Phrases like “seeking new opportunities” or “recent graduate looking for entry-level position” will get you nowhere. Instead, tailor your headline to the position that you would like to have and infuse it with keywords.

Avoid using fluff words like “best in class,” “guru,” or “superstar.” A good LinkedIn headline will state your passion, your drive, and your focus.

Bonus Tip – Customize Your Public Profile URL

You should always customize your public profile URL (a.k.a. vanity URL). Personalizing your URL shows others that you are serious about your LinkedIn success.

It is professional and enhances your overall personal brand. It also allows others to easily find you. When customizing your URL, use a variation of your name or personal brand.

10-Point LinkedIn Optimizer Cheat Sheet

LinkedIn is the place to be for professionals and job seekers. Let your LinkedIn profile help you find and land your dream job. Access your FREE LinkedIn cheat sheet today!

For even more career advancement strategies, visit me on YouTube to learn how to land your dream job and grow in a field you love. Then join my private Facebook community where you’ll network with other amazing professionals just like you!